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The nightmare Starts When I wake Up

I've always said that having a baby doesn't turn you into a saint, therefore I've gathered a few quotes from domestic violence victims (solely about respective parents or either one of them). But I'm publishing it annonimously, no names, no initials, just quote and their age when it happened.

"She'd grab me by my shoulders and shake me. Sometimes it felt like my head would fall off" - 6 years old

"Whenever I asked her how was I born, she'd tell me she found my in a bin.
So I'd ask 'who is my real mother then?'
She'd say 'me, of course'
and I bluntly said 'no, you found me in a bin, my mother is the one who put me in there... how do I find her?'
Years went by and I finally found my birth pictures so I asked 'who is the baby in your belly?'
She said 'guess'
And I said 'a baby brother? But where would he be?'
She said 'no, it's you'
Then I replied 'but you said you found me in a bin'
All of a sudden she started yelling 'IF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH WHY DO YOU ASK, YOU FUCK?'" -  4 years old

"I told her there was something wrong in my head, that it constatly went blank as if someone pressed the resent button, she said I was making stuff up to avoid admitting I'm dumb" - 7 years old

"I asked her to read to me a book but since it was a book she already read to me and I had just learned how to read, she told me to read it my self.
'But I read so slow that when I start reading it, I forget what I was reading by the end of the sentence' I explained.
'THEN I DON'T CARE, I WON'T READ TO YOU, YOU LAZY ASS!' She yelled. Since then I hate reading" - 6 years old

"She'd call me bad names. All of them. She'd curse at me until I cried. When I held my tears she stopped yelling and looked for tears on my eyes and kept yelling, when a tear drop ran down my cheek she sighed in relief and continued to help me with my homework" - 6 years old

"She said to me she wanted to be my school mate's mother because he has good grades and is polite... she ended up the frase saying 'but instead I have...'" - 9 years old

"She'd come home looking for stuff to blame me" - 4 years old

"Nannies were always mean to me, and it didn't matter if I left notes, asked personally or call her on her job crying my eyes out... she'd blame me or make empty promisses she'd never keep" - 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 years old

"I kept asking my friends of a sleep over on their house because I couldn't stand going back to mine" - 6,8,11, 13 years old

"They were never home, and when they were... They'd accuse me and curse at me....I first asked to live in my own place when I was 16, but I longed to live alone since I was 6" - 5 years old

"He looks at me weirdly, I caught him watching me shower once" - 12 years old

"She keeps saying to others that I'm lazy, whiny and never satisfied with what she does for me. But when they turn their back she'd blame me for everything and says that ADAH is a made-up thing so psichologists wouldn't call other people's kid stupid." - 4 years old

"I never got treated for my attention deficit because she doesn't 'believe in psichologists'... that's her words" - 5 years old

"Whenever we were doing my homework, she'd yell at my more that explained anything... there were only curse words and name calling" - 6 years old

feel free to share, the comments can be left annonimously
