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Shy Girl

  Drew it today

Why people destroy others' dreams?

Our most important feelings and desires. Precious ambitions that we cultivate so dearly. Why others have pleasure in destroying them.            We always have that future "us" we want to become. Some of us are smart enough to hide it from everyone, but some of us sadly trust the wrong people, confiding our utmost desires only to see them being shattered infront of our teary eyes.          Some people actual feel pleasure to destroy other dreams. As if they feed on it, they try to talk you ut of it by "implying" or "suggesting" that it's impossible to reach or that you don't have the talent for it. Those bitter unreasonal people seem to be driven by some blinding envy that makes them choose destroying other's dreams rather than just let them try.         Once I asked someone "do you wish me happy and far or miserable and close?" the answer was the latter one. What happens to those people's mind that wishes so strongly others to li

The nightmare Starts When I wake Up

I've always said that having a baby doesn't turn you into a saint, therefore I've gathered a few quotes from domestic violence victims (solely about respective parents or either one of them). But I'm publishing it annonimously, no names, no initials, just quote and their age when it happened. "She'd grab me by my shoulders and shake me. Sometimes it felt like my head would fall off" - 6 years old "Whenever I asked her how was I born, she'd tell me she found my in a bin. So I'd ask 'who is my real mother then?' She'd say 'me, of course' and I bluntly said 'no, you found me in a bin, my mother is the one who put me in there... how do I find her?' Years went by and I finally found my birth pictures so I asked 'who is the baby in your belly?' She said 'guess' And I said 'a baby brother? But where would he be?' She said 'no, it's you' Then I replied 'but you said you found me in a

What happened to "I'm sorry"?

It's been a few years already but recently it has just escalated to unforseen proportions. Is "I'm sorry" dead?